Friday, March 21, 2008

What is this magic?!

So i figured i might as well try this thing out, after all, it seems like everyone's got this, and we all know that i'm definately the one to jump on the bandwagon! This is almost like the blind leading the blind, because it doesn't seem as if people really know what's going on here with this 'blogger' site after all. It was quite funny when Lani was talking to Michelle and i about the site the night before she left for Germany. I figured, why not try it and see what all the 'hype' is about. I went home and registered and everything, got it all set up, and ya, have just now started fiddling with the thing... not sure when or if i'll get the hang of things, after all, i've really been more interested in Livejournal, which is more my style. I realize now that i typed that last sentence, that it appears that i'm now in my PARENT'S generation, and coming off somewhat in the 'generation gap' they Not dealing with computers what-so-ever, and being terrified of their! what a world to live I think i can handle not knowing this site, if atleast i'm still able to get along on the internet and deal with my cell phone efficiently. Alright, i guess i'm done going on my rant about this place, so we'll have to see whether or not i stay current with this thing or not. I'm the kind of guy who 'goes all in' when it comes to new things, and then suddenly and abruptly forgets, or becomes dis-interested in things quickly. Weird, i know, but that's how i am, deal with it.

Got this from Michelle, who got this from Melissa!!

Four things you may or may not have known about me in no particular order, directions are at the end! ENJOY!!

Four jobs I have had in my life
World's of Fun

Being a Stud at was tough!

Four movies I would watch over and over:
Romeo Must Die
Bad Boys
Harry Potter series

Four Places I have lived!
Excelsior Springs, MO
Rexburg, ID
Richmond, MO
--Sorry, just 3 places, not four :(

Four Tv Shows I watch
The Office!!
Family Guy
Fox News

Four places I have been:
Idaho!!! :)

Who do you E -mail (regularly): No particular order

Four of my favorite foods:
Chicken Quesadillas
Anything Pasta

Where I would rather be right now:
In Utah
In Rexburg
At home with Mom, Dad, Jack!
With Savannah and Dylan

I am looking forward to this year:
Hopefully going to NYC!!
Hopefully changing jobs
hopefully changing apartments
Seeing JONI! ;)